Key people
Prof Karel Smetana, MD, DSc

Representing the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (1st FM CU), Head of the Institute of Anatomy, 1st FM CU, group leader in BIOCEV and head of research programme No. 1 - Tumour Microenvironment. Specialisation: cell biology and morphology, biomaterials and tissue engineering, cancer research.
Professor Smetana is engaged in cell biology research and he coordinates clinical investigations at the collaborating clinics (Dermatology and Venereology Clinic of the 1st FM CU and General University Hospital, Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st FM CU and Motol University Hospital). His major interest lies in tumour-associated fibroblasts.
Prof Aleksi Šedo, MD, DSc
Representing the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Head of the Institute of Biochemistry and Experimental Oncology (UBEO), Dean of 1st FM CU and head of research programme No. 2 - Molecular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets. Specialisation: cell biology, biochemistry, enzymology, cancer research. He conducts both basic and applied research in biomedicine - experimental oncology; regulation and signalling of cell proliferation and differentiation; membrane proteases and their non-hydrolytic functions; use of proteases in the diagnostics and therapy of some cancers; innovative targets in cancer diagnostics and therapy.
In addition, professor Šedo is guarantor of clinical research at the collaborating clinic (Clinic of Neurosurgery and Neuro-oncology of the 1st FM CU and Central Military Hospital).

Prof Vladimír Král, DSc († 17. 4. 2019)
He represented the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Biocev, was the leader of the group and the head of research programme No. 3 - Molecular Recognition and Drug Design. Specialisation: chemistry, synthesis, drug design, anti-cancer therapeutics
Professor Král is engaged in the topic of molecular recognition and pursues the most recent trends in current science.
Assoc Prof Jan Brábek, PhD
Representing the Faculty of Science, Charles University, and Biocev, head of research programme No. 4 - Tumour Invasiveness. Specialisation: cell biology, cell invasiveness - cancer cell invasiveness, integrin signalling, oncological - translational research. Assoc. Prof. Brábek is involved in the study of molecular and cell mechanisms of cancer cell invasiveness and its plasticity. In this area, his laboratory has achieved a number of priority discoveries. Recently, he defined and postulated a novel group of anti-metastatic agents - migrastatics.

Ruth Tachezy, PhD
Representing the Faculty of Science, Charles University and Biocev, group leader and head of research programme No. 5 - Viral Oncogenesis. Specialisation: virology, molecular epidemiology, diagnostics, characterisation and immune profiling of virus-associated tumours. In recent years, research of Dr. Tachezy has concentrated on head and neck cancer in association with human papillomavirus infection. These tumours serve as a model of virally and non-virally induced malignancies of the same anatomical localization, allowing investigation of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic markers.
Helena Kupcová Skalníková, PhD
Representing the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i., she works as a scientist at the Laboratory of Applied Proteomic Analyses and is head of research programme No. 6 - Cancer Proteomics. She specialises on the analyses of cell secretion and communication at the level of proteins and extracellular vesicles. Together with her colleagues, she studies tumour stroma cellular interactions and tumour immunology in the porcine melanoma model (Melanoma-bearing Libechov Minipig, MeLiM)

Michal Kolář, PhD
the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i., he works as a scientist
at the Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics and is head of
research programme No. 7 - Cancer Genetics and Transcriptomics. Specialisation:
gene expression analysis, NGS genotyping and genomics in cancer research. Along
with his colleagues, he is involved in bioinformatics and statistics, applied
to analysis of biological data (sequencing or microarray).
Milan Jakubek, PhD
On behalf of the First Faculty of Medicine of
Charles University and Biocev, he works as head of research programme No. 3 - Molecular
Recognition and Drug Design. Activities of the group also include education of
students and training of specialists with deeper interest in research.
Specialized in the fields: medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, drug
design and formulation, supramolecular chemistry, theranostics. His activities
are focused both on basic and applied research and innovations within the
framework of specific projects. His expertise stems from the area of management
of basic and applied research, transfer of technologies into practice and
intellectual property protection.