Most relevant grant funding obtained in relation to the research agenda of the project.
GA 19-05048S Role of exosomes in the communication between associated fibroblasts and tumour cells, with focus on malignant melanoma
provider: GA0 -
Science Foundation
Recipient: Charles
University, First Faculty of Medicine
investigator: Prof
Karel Smetana Jr, MD DSc
IGA MZ ČR 9049-3 Glycomic analysis of head and neck carcinoma - prognostic significance
provider: Internal
Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (IGA MH)
Recipient: First
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Principal investigator: Prof
Jan Plzák, MD, PhD
NPV II Novel genomic and biotechnological methods in molecular oncology: route to early diagnostics and targeted therapy, (2006-2011, MEYS)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS)
Recipient: Institute
of Applied Biotechnologys, a.s.; Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR,
v. v. i.; First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Principal investigator: Prof
Tomáš Stopka, MD, PhD
AZV 16-29032A ERK pathway activation as a prognostic tool and a prospective therapeutic target in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, (2016-2019, MZ0)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Health of the Czech Republic (MH)
Recipient: Institute
of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i.
Principal investigator: Prof
Václav Pačes, DS
Support of sustainability of the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, (2014-2019, MEYS LO1304)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS)
Recipient: Palacký
University, Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine
Principal investigator: Assoc.
Prof Marián Hajdúch, MD, PhD
Centre of Original Drug Design, (2012-2019, TACR TE01020028)
Funding provider: Technology
Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR)
Recipient: Institute
of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i.
Principal investigator: Zdeněk
Havlas, DSc
Specific ligands for carbohydrate tumour markers: from recognition to diagnosis and therapy, (2014-2016, MEYS LH14008)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS)
Recipient: University
of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Faculty of Chemistry and Engineering
Principal investigator: Prof
Vladimír Král, DSc
PROGRES Q28 - Complex Oncology Programme of Charles University
Funding provider: Charles
Recipient: First
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Principal investigator: Prof
Aleksi Šedo, MD, DSc
15-31379A Novel concepts of therapeutic targeting of human glioblastoma microenvironment (2015-2019, MH)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Health of the Czech Republic (MH)
Recipient: Military University Hospital Prague
Principal investigator: Prof
Vladimír Beneš, MD, DSc, Prof Aleksi Šedo, MD, DSc, Robert Tomáš, MD, PhD, Assoc.
Prof Jan Konvalinka, PhD
EATRIS-CZ Czech national node of the European infrastructure for translational medicine
institution: Palacký University, Olomouc
Partner institutions:
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; Masaryk University - Central
European Institute of Technology (CEITEC); Institute of Microbiology of the
ASCR, v. v. i.; Institute of Experimental Medicine of the ASCR, v. v. i.; Institute
of Nuclear Physics of the ASCR, v. v. i.; Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
of the ASCR, v. v. i.; Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the
ASCR, v. v. i.; University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Guarantor: Assoc. Prof Marián Hajdúch, MD, PhD

AZV 17-28055A "Identification of the phenotype and function of immune cells as predictors of the treatment response in patients with squamous cell head and neck cancer" (2017-2020)
Funding provider: Ministry
of Health of the Czech Republic (MH)
Recipient: Charles
University, Faculty of Science
Principal investigator: Ruth
Tachezy, PhD
Role of aspartyl beta hydroxylase in human
papilloma virus-associated and non-associated tumours (2019-2022),
Inter-Excellence, subprogramme Inter-Action LTAUSA18003
Funding provider: Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS)
Recipient: Charles
University, Faculty of Science
Principal investigator: Ruth
Tachezy, PhD
GA 19-00816S Experimental cancer immunotherapy, tumour
heterogeneity, and overcoming tumour escape against immune surveillance (2019-2021)
Funding provider: GA0
- Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Recipient: Charles
University, Faculty of Science
Principal investigator: Michal
Šmahel, PhD
Role of matrix metalloproteinase and vimentin
cooperation for the activity of cancer cell invadopodia
Funding provider: GA0
- Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Recipient: Charles
University, Faculty of Science
Principal investigator: Assoc.
Prof Jan Brábek, PhD
Identification of the role of p130Cas protein in
mechanical signal transfer at the cell-ECM interface
Funding provider: GA0
- Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Recipient: Charles
University, Faculty of Science
Principal investigator: Assoc.
Prof Daniel Rösel, PhD
Substituted imidazopyrimidines: Rational design
and development of specific protein kinase inhibitors with anti-cancer effects
Funding provider: GA0
- Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Recipient: Výzkumný ústav organických
syntéz a.s.
Principal investigator: doc. RNDr. Jan Brábek, Ph.D.